‘TinQ fun!’
The TinQ Mazzeldagen with extra reductions, the TinQ MAX.KORTING deals during Formula 1 weekends, and the fill-up for free with Dutch celebrity Jack Plooij were all instant hits. Not only because of the great deals, but because they were always done with a slight tip of the hat to: TinQ fun!
Pubmarket! took care of the creative concept and the on- and offline promotion of these actions. The combination of the use of their own website in combination with the TinQ4U-app, Facebook and Instagram have proven to be the best practices.
TinQ has been around for 20 years, and we had to celebrate that in a very spectacular way – as people would expect from us. And spectacular it was. Every day for an hour during the celebration period, four TinQ stations offered consumers a chance to fill up their car at prices from 20 years ago. The action went viral immediately. The first Facebook post about the action was shared 641 times within moments, and the press jumped on it. And not only in The Netherlands, but in Belgium too. The strength of this action was not only the creative idea, but the carefully planned online communication campaign and the PR-approach.
The result? The number of downloads of the TinQ4U-app raised by 38% in one week. At one point, the servers went down for a moment because of the massive data traffic. But TinQ didn’t mind that at all.